I've always loved horses and used to ride regularly. When Mum passed in April 2021,…
Reiki – My Journey So Far
Last week I officially qualified as a Reiki Practitioner. I was over the moon to be presented with my Level 2 Reiki Practitioner certificate, and a little emotional to be honest.
I thought I’d share with you my journey so far and the main lessons I’ve learned that you can implement in your own lives.
The Seed
I started my Reiki journey back in February 2016 through a conversation with a friend. She suggested I consider Reiki as a route into energy work and recommended her Reiki Master.
Not long after this, we attended a wonderful Sound Bath run by my friend’s Reiki Master where I was able to introduce myself and express my interest in attending a Reiki Level 1 training.
The Training
Fast forward to June 2016 when I attended a Reiki Level 1 training day and attunement (where a Reiki Master facilitates an energetic opening on the trainee that allows the Reiki energy to move freely through their body to the receiver).
A beautiful day of meditations, journalling and a first go at administering Reiki to another.
I remember being really nervous at this point. Although I understood nerves are perfectly normal when experiencing anything new and unfamiliar, questions like: “Am I doing it right?” and “Is it working?” popped into my head.
It was a great experience and very exciting to be ‘hands-on’ so to speak, for the first time.
After an attunement comes a 21-day cleanse. It’s like an energetic detox and basically means you are getting used to functioning at a higher energetic vibration.
You are asked to keep a Reiki journal to capture how you are feeling and what you are experiencing during this time.
Practise, Practise, Practise
Then came lots of practise on myself and others. I was lucky to have plenty of volunteers, some already qualified practitioners themselves and some just willing Guinea Pigs.
Practise really does make perfect. Through this, I not only got accustomed to working with the Reiki energy, but I also perfected my technique and grew in confidence. The feedback I received also helped massively. I began to love Reiki more and more.
Next Steps
February and March 2017 saw two days of Reiki Level 2 training and attunement. Level 2 concentrates mainly on the use of the Reiki symbols. The symbols enable the practitioner to direct the Reiki energy for a more specific purpose. For example, to ground a client whose base chakra is unbalanced.
Another 21-day cleanse followed. Again, an energetic detox and getting used to vibrating at an even higher level. More practise followed using the symbols. All very exciting and encouraging my Reiki skills to develop even further.
Over the course of the next two years, I submitted lots of case studies (all anonymously to protect client confidentiality), along with an essay of my Reiki journey so far. I also created professional looking client forms and ran each client session as I would if I was already a qualified Reiki Practitioner. Acting from that space whilst still training, getting into the mindset for my future self.
I’ve also done a lot of work on my own ‘stuff’. We have so many layers that build up over the course of our lives. Being attuned to Reiki has opened up my heart and helped me to let go of a lot of negative energy, relationships and behaviours that no longer serve my highest good. At times uncomfortable but necessary for my growth.
This is where receiving Reiki also benefits my clients. We work through their challenges and issues together, one session at a time. If we feel they need additional support we are also able to explore this.
My Takeaways
- Finding the right teacher is paramount. Trust yourself, you’ll know when you’ve found the right one for you, whatever the subject.
- Trust the process. It may take longer than you think but the value is in the journey.
- Be patient. There are times when you’ll feel frustrated that things are not going at the pace you’d like or thought they would. This is a perfectly normal part of the process. Remember why you are doing it and take one step at a time.
- There are no shortcuts. You’ve got to put the effort in and take daily consistent actions to move towards your desired outcome.
- Expect bad days. You’ll have them. When they show up and you’re having a wobble, breathe deeply in and out, take a break, go for a walk. Then complete one action, no matter how small, that moves you forward.
- Look after yourself. Don’t ‘push through’ as it’s not good for your health. Have days off (plan them in your schedule). Get plenty of sleep (whatever you personally require to function well). Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated (at least the recommended daily amount of 2 litres). Eat a healthy diet (plan your meals in advance). Exercise (pop it in your schedule as you are more likely to commit to it. Remember to consult a doctor or other health professional if you are new to exercise or have had an extended break from it).
- Enjoy the process. If it stops being fun ask yourself why. Consider what’s working and what’s not working. What are you enjoying and not enjoying so much? Stop, meditate and journal on it, take stock. Then tweak accordingly.
- Focus on one thing at a time. This is probably the biggest takeaway for me. Once I decided to focus on just doing Reiki, it changed everything for me. I stopped being attracted by other ‘shiny things’ that took my attention away from completing my training. If it didn’t align with Reiki and enhance my learning, I chose to let it go.
Future Plans
This really is just the beginning. I am a lifelong learner and will continue to study Reiki and those other skills I feel compliment it. I will incorporate them into my personal and professional practise.
My desire is to be the best Reiki Practitioner I can be. To enable my clients to receive the highest standards of service from me. Doing my bit to raise the good vibes of our global home.
Ladies, if you would like to know how I can help you discover your energetic harmony; emotional, mental, spiritual, physical – get in touch for an informal chat.